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How to use Reddit in the Newsroom
How to use Reddit in the Newsroom

Use Reddit to identify compelling stories, find where your links are shared and search for topics

Written by Tess
Updated over a week ago

Update July 2023:

  • Twitter announced the deprecation of their API to certain access tiers, which resulted in CrowdTangle losing access and the ability to serve Twitter data. You can find more information here.

  • Reddit announced changes to their API, which resulted in CrowdTangle losing access and the ability to serve Reddit data. You can find more information here and here.

Identify compelling stories, conversations, images and memes
Use our ready-made Reddit lists to browse overperforming threads in top subreddits across news, sports and entertainment. Discover compelling conversations happening in subreddits you’d never would have known about by just looking at the Reddit front page. Find the most viral images and memes people are talking about. Track broad conversations and trending story angles.

Make it easy for your team to actually understand Reddit
By organizing subreddits into prebuilt lists and enabling notifications and digests, CrowdTangle makes it really easy to cut through the noise, and sort through the content that actually matters to you. Customize lists and searches to track Reddit communities and content you’re specifically interested in, and get the best out of Reddit without having to actually scour Reddit.

Find your links and brand on Reddit
Use our search feature to track where your links appear on Reddit and see what subreddits are saying about you.

Find Reddit threads that don’t make the front page
Content goes viral on Reddit and will never surface to the front page. Follow smaller subreddit communities in the verticals you care about and find conversations that haven’t yet gone mainstream and get to it first.

Discover niche stories that appeal to a broad audience
Find stories from small communities that are getting posted in major subreddits. This is great to track local news stories that have national potential, and under-the-radar science, entertainment and news items.

Find hyperlocal news trending in your community
Track local news and conversations from big cities and small Reddit communities. Figure out what these communities care most about. It’s a great way to stay on top of the trending conversations happening in these community.

Use keywords to search for a topic and see what Reddit is saying about it
Enter the keyword(s) in our search field and see which subreddits are talking about it, and what they’re saying. This is great for pinpointing the most viral conversations around a subject.

Improve your story framing
Search for a specific topic and see what the top overperforming posts are; use this knowledge to figure out your angle. Use lists to track the most viral links on Reddit, and see which ones are resonating, and with what audience.

Set up digests so you don't have to scour Reddit
Don’t want to log on to Reddit to see what’s trending? No problem, we’ll send you an email. Set up a viral alert that notifies you when a thread is overperforming in a particular subreddit. Set up a daily digest to see the most overperforming threads of the day. 


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