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How to Set Up CrowdTangle for Newspapers and News Sites
How to Set Up CrowdTangle for Newspapers and News Sites

CrowdTangle for Local News: Here's a quick list of best practices for setting up CrowdTangle for your local news publication.

Written by Tess
Updated over a week ago

Set up saved searches around your domain and use Link Checker (or Chrome Extension) in order to see who is posting your content on a regular basis. Turn on email alerts related to this, including a referral alert for large Pages that reference you, as well as weekly digests of who posted your stories the previous week. Bonus: Many newsrooms use this data to develop syndication partnerships, provide sales teams with valuable information, and more.

Create custom Live Displays for daily social monitoring and to cover big events
Create a custom live display for a big screen in your newsroom that features real-time posts from sources in your local community. Pop in a Leaderboard to see who's winning the day in your competitive set.  Additionally, set up Live Displays when big events happen in your region, including breaking news, elections, local events, court trials and more.

Use the Share of Voice metric to easily rank top performing pages by Total Interactions. When turned on, Share of Voice replaces Interaction Rate in Live Display and email Leaderboards.

Study CrowdTangle's video data to grow your video strategy. Learn best practices and optimize your video strategy on Facebook and Instagram. Use the Video Leaderboards to see how your newsroom compares to other newsmakers in terms of video post frequency. Set up Viral Alerts to know whenever a video is gaining momentum in terms of views. Bonus: Use Intelligence to study long term video data trends.

Generate news leads using Facebook Groups and Reddit threads to surface UGC
In your Facebook dashboard, create Lists of open Facebook Groups in your community to find posts about your local area from people based there. In your Reddit dashboard, search through thousands of subreddits where people are having conversations around topics you might cover, including sports, health, science and more. 

Use the CrowdTangle Chrome Extension and set up referral searches for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Reddit to monitor where your content is being distributed across social media.

Build your Instagram strategy using CrowdTangle
Set up Lists of your brand accounts and create Saved Searches for your local region in your CrowdTangle Instagram dashboard. Sync these to Notifications like viral alerts or monthly digests so you can keep track of what people are posting about your area and create reports for how your newsroom is performing on the platform.
Set up digests of your own accounts that go out to your social editors
Use either daily or weekly digests to share what stories worked the best among your Pages, who gained the most followers, etc. Use it as a way to share best practices, gamify social across your verticals, etc. Bonus: Use the Leaderboard digests to send a daily or weekly benchmark email, either for your own accounts, or a competitive set. Pro tip: Set up weekly overperforming and underperforming digests.

Improve the framing you use when you post a story to social
Before you post a story to Facebook, you can use the keyword search to see how similar stories are doing on social and what headlines, images, angles, etc. are working the best to help shape the approach you take.

Use the Saved Post and Embed features to add social media posts to your CMS
 Optimize your online stories with relevant posts from Facebook, Instagram, and Reddit using CrowdTangle's embed functions. If you're aggregating several posts for a story, use the Saved Posts function to create a list of posts as you discover them in CrowdTangle. Then, easily email the Saved Posts List to members of your editors and producers.

Easily download historical data about any Facebook Page or social account
Exports provide every post by a particular brand going back as far as you want and includes post text, link text, link description, type of post, engagement metrics (ex. likes, comments, shares), shortened URL, and the permalink.

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