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CrowdTangle for Local News Social Teams
CrowdTangle for Local News Social Teams

CrowdTangle for Local News: Tips and Tricks for Newsroom Social Media Teams Using CrowdTangle

Written by Tess
Updated over a week ago

1. Set up Overperforming and Underperforming Digest Notifications for your main newsroom accounts to understand what is and is not resonating with your  social audiences. These can help you analyze post framing and the post types  (status, link, photo, video) that work best for you on social. 

2. Use CrowdTangle's Leaderboard feature for performance data on newsroom, talent and competitor accounts to see top performers for any time period. Pro  tip: set up leaderboard emails to go out to key stakeholders, including senior leaders, at your organization. 

3. Create CrowdTangle Live Displays to scale your social media strategy across your newsroom. Live Displays provide real-time data on how your accounts are performing, what your newsroom competitors and sources are posting as well as referral tracking. Pro tip: Live Displays can be  placed on a large screen in the newsroom, used in meetings or shared via  the link across your organization. 

4. Use CrowdTangle's Intelligence and Historical features to study long term  trends for your accounts, inform your social KPIs and surface content that  is driving growth over time. Pro tip: Use both features to deep dive  into trends and metrics around your newsroom video strategy. 

5. Set up a CrowdTangle Slack channel (or channels) to feed Viral Alerts for posts  that are gaining traction in your newsroom’s Lists and Saved Searches. 

6. Download the Chrome Extension and set up Referral Tracking to understand where your stories are being distributed across social pages. Pro tip: set up Referral Digests to have a roundup of posts of your stories shared by other pages.

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