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Explore Lists in CrowdTangle
Explore Lists in CrowdTangle

Pre-built lists in Explore

Written by Tess
Updated over a week ago

Explore is a section for you to easily find pre-built lists and saved searches, tailored to the region and topics you care about.  

Explore lists are manually created and maintained by the CrowdTangle team. Because of this, there’s room for human error. Please reach out to if you believe there should be edits to an Explore list.

Note: CrowdTangle no longer surfaces Twitter data.


Q: How do you populate the Explore section?
A: Our team updates Explore with new lists and accounts all the time. We typically add lists around big events, such as awards shows, elections and major tentpoles, as well as continue to build out general lists in topic areas like news, sports, politics, local and more. We use third-party sources, like sports team lineups, government agency lists, news organization's membership lists, as well as suggestions from you, the user, to create or update all of our lists. If you have suggestions or see something missing, let us know!

Q: Will you update lists and will I need to re-add them to my dashboard when you update them?
A: We’re working hard to make sure all our Explore lists are up to date. When we update a list, it will update in your dashboard, you will not need to re-add them. For e.g. if a Presidential candidate drops out of a race, we will remove them from the candidates list in a timely manner and it will reflect across all dashboards that have added this list to their dashboard. We periodically check all of our lists to see what is out of data and what needs to be updated.

Q: How do you decide which social accounts get added to the lists in Explore?
A: Our team builds these lists manually, the same way users create lists in their own dashboards. We use third-party sources to check which pages should be in each list. We use our best judgement and additional research to determine if more pages beyond our outside sources should be added to a particular list. One exception is our Reddit Explore section, they build and maintain their Explore lists. The lists there are the most active subreddits in each of those categories. If you see any glaring errors or think something is missing, please reach out to

Q: How can I recommend a list or search for Explore?
A: We welcome your help in creating and maintaining these public lists,. If you feel comfortable sharing one you've made that you think might be helpful for others, shoot us a note at . We would need some additional information like where you sourced the pages in the list. That would also factor in if the list can be shared publicly.

Q: How can I get one of my lists into Explore so that it's accessible to everyone in my account?
A: As an Account Owner, you can add any of your own lists into a customized Explore section for your account.  That way you can easily share lists & searches amongst teams and dashboards. Here's how to do it: If you're an Account Owner, go to your list, advanced settings and hit 'Promote'. This has the added benefit of locking the list from being edited by non-account owners.

If you're not an account owner but you've built a list relevant to everyone at your organization, please reach out to your Account Owner and ask them to add it.

Q: What if I'm a Team Owner but not an Account Owner?
A: At the moment, Team Owners cannot promote lists to explore.

Q: How do I know who my account owner is?
A: Go to your dashboard and open up the Settings Gear > User Management and you'll see your account owners.

Q: How do I know which lists are from Explore and which are my own?
A: A green icon represents Explore Lists and the blue icon (both seen below) represents lists curated by your Account Owners. All other lists that individual users
create will not have an icon.

Q: What if I want to see lists outside of my region or country?
A: You can access everything we have! Just search inside Explore using key words (for e.g. use the name of the country and the topic: 'Australia sports' to find content specific to a country)

Q: What if I want to make changes to an Explore list in my dashboard?
A: First you need to copy the Explore list into your dashboard, then you can delete or add things to it. Once you do this it will be a unique list to your account, so please note, it will not auto-update if or when we make changes to the original Explore list.

Q: Where can I access Explore lists?
A: They are accessible inside your dashboards as well as Intelligence and Live Displays,

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