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FAQ: Posts and Post Analytics

overperforming, underperforming, interaction rate, interactions, video views, reach, and more!

Written by Tess
Updated over a week ago

This is the Posts FAQ.  You can learn about Posts and Post Analytics here.


Questions answered in this article: 

  • How do you calculate overperforming and underperforming scores?

  • Can I see the "life" of a Post?  (It's interactions over time)

  • How is interaction rate calculated?

  • Why don't my Facebook Video View numbers match what I see in Insights?

  • Why are some of my Posts missing?

  • Can I tell if a Post has been boosted?

  • Do you measure reach?

  • Can I filter posts by Location?

  • What's the difference between an Owned Video and a Shared Video?


1) How do you calculate overperforming and underperforming scores?

First, we generate benchmarks to identify the expected values. We take the last 100 posts from a given account/Page and of a given post type (link post, image post, etc.), and calculate the average number of interactions all those posts have at each age (15 minutes old, 60 minutes old, 5 hours old, etc.).

Then, when a new post comes in from that account, we compare it to that average and multiply the difference by the weights in each dashboard.  A score over 1 means the post is performing better than average for a post of that type, from that Page/Account, and at that point in time (10 minutes after posting, 1 hours after posting, etc).  A negative score means it is performing worse than that average.

2) Can I see the "life" of a Post?  (It's interactions over time)

Yes!  Find the Post under your Post tab and click on the carrot on the upper right hand corner of the Post.  You'll see an option to download a CSV, which will show you the interaction data of the post over 10 minute intervals.

3) How is interaction rate calculated?

For a post, the interaction rate is relatively simple: it's the number of interactions (e.g. reactions, comments, shares) divided by the account size (followers/page likes) at the time of posting.

For lists in Intelligence/Leaderboards, we try to do the same kind of thing we do for an account. We add up all the interactions on every post from every account in the list, and then we divide by that number of posts. Then we divide by the average size (follower count/ page likes) of the accounts in the list. (In this case, we pick the latest size value for each account, not an average for each over the timeframe.)

4) Why don't my Facebook Video View numbers match what I see in Insights?

When you select a CrowdTangle timeframe, we measure interactions (including video views) that happened on posts that were POSTED during the timeframe, no matter when the interactions occurred. Facebook Insights timeframes for video views look at views that OCCURRED during the timeframe, no matter when the posts were posted.

For example, with a timeframe of July 2017, CrowdTangle will show you the view totals AS OF RIGHT NOW for posts that were posted in July 2017. And if you looked at that same leaderboard in a month, the numbers would likely be higher, as those same posts amassed more views. For that same timeframe, Insights will show you the views that happened during that month, even if the views happened on posts that were posted in 2016, and as of August 1, 2017, those numbers will never change.

And you might be wondering why Page Insights, Creator Studio, and CrowdTangle differ. More info on how that works.

5) Why are some of my Posts missing?

The most common issue is targeting.  Targeted posts aren't picked up by Facebook because they're not considered to be public (as they only go to certain audience segments).  Check the post- if it has a globe icon it's public.  If it has a gear icon, it's targeted.  

Another common issue is gating.  If there is any age-gating or geo-gating on your Page/Account, CrowdTangle will be unable to pull data on it.  You can remedy this by removing any privacy restrictions on your Page.

6) Can I tell if a Post has been boosted?

Unfortunately, CrowdTangle isn't able to tell you if a Post has been boosted or not.

7) Do you measure reach?

Unfortunately reach is a private metric, and CrowdTangle doesn't have access to that information.  We measure interactions for all post types and views for videos on Instagram and Facebook.

8) Can I filter posts by Location?

Even though CrowdTangle is unable to specifically track a GeoTag, we do offer other options that can help target a specific region. You may consider utilizing Local Relevance, Page Admin Country or Languages to help with targeting.

9) What is the difference between an Owned Video and a Shared Video?

Owned videos are videos you posted directly from your Page/Account while Shared videos are those you've shared from another Page/Account.

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