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FAQ: Notifications
Written by Tess
Updated over a week ago

This is the Notifications FAQ article.  You can learn more about Notifications here.

Questions Covered in This Article:

  • How do I turn on the Slack integration?

  • Can I have a Dashboard send Notifications to multiple Slack instances?

  • Can I create a multi-platform Notification?

  • Why is my Viral Alert emailing me nonstop?

  • Why aren't I receiving my Notifications?

  • Can I send Notifications to someone without a CrowdTangle account?

  • How do I unsubscribe from a CrowdTangle Notification?

  • Why hasn't my .csv file arrived?


1) How do I turn on the Slack integration?

New in 2019, simply navigate to Notifications inside your dashboard then select a viral or referral alert and click "Add to Slack." This will redirect you to a Slack authorization screen where you can select the appropriate #channel to post to. If you want to change the channel at a later today, de-enable and Add to Slack button will re-appear and you can select a different #channel.

Check out this article for step-by-step instructions.

You can do this for an unlimited amount of viral or referral alerts. However, this integration does not support digests or leaderboard notifications. 

Please note this is a replacement for the old Slack integration which used incoming webhooks. Luckily, this is way easier to set up!

2) Can I have a Dashboard send Notifications to multiple Slack workspaces?

Yes. After clicking "Add To Slack" from your notification, you can toggle which workspace you want to authorize with in the top right. However, you would need to create a unique notification for each workspace. A notification can only be assigned one Slack channel (thus Slack workplace) at a time.

3) Can I create a multi-platform Notification?

Unfortunately at this time Notifications are Dashboard-specific, which means they can only pull from one platform at a time.

4) Why is my Viral Alert emailing me nonstop?

Viral Alerts trigger whenever content from a List or Saved Search hits a particular overperforming threshold.  If you set the threshold too low, it can result in a lot of alerts.  Try increasing the threshold in the alert if that's the case.  

Also check to make sure that the Viral alert is tied to a List or Saved Search.  If a Viral Alert is set up without being tied to a specific List or Saved Search, it will trigger any time content from *any* Page/Account in any of that Dashboard's Lists or Saved Searches hits a particular overperforming score.

5) Why aren't I receiving my Notifications?

If you aren't receiving your Notifications, the first thing you should do is verify that the email address in your CrowdTangle account is correct.  From any of your Dashboards, click on the gear icon (upper right) and select "Edit Email Address" to check.  If the email address isn't correct, you can change it on that screen.

If the email address IS correct, you may need to contact your IT department to ensure that emails from are white listed and able to get through your organization's spam filter.

6) Can I send Notifications to someone without a CrowdTangle account?

Yes!  Anyone can be added to an email Notification, but be sure to let them know that you're signing them up for a Notification first!

7) How do I unsubscribe from a CrowdTangle Notification?

If you know which Notification you want to unsubscribe from, you can find the Notification in the appropriate Dashboard and click on the blue toggle next to that Notification name- which will remove you from it.  Alternately, there is an unsubscribe link at the bottom of every email Notification that you can click on to be removed from that Notification.

8) Why hasn't my .csv file arrived?

If you've clicked on the cloud icon in a Post stream or Leaderboard or have used the historical data feature in a Dashboard, CrowdTangle will send you an e-mail with an attached .csv file.  It can take some time for these to send, particularly if CrowdTangle is sending a lot of information.  However, sometimes the e-mails are blocked by an organization's spam filter because of the attached file.  Contact your IT department to ensure that has been white listed.  Note: In some cases, an organization's spam filter will allow normal e-mail Notifications through but will still block Notifications with attached .csv files.

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