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We've added IGTV to CrowdTangle. Learn More.

Written by Tess
Updated over a week ago

What’s new?
We’ve added IGTV video views and engagement data across the CrowdTangle platform. 

How can I access IGTV data in CrowdTangle?
You can find it included as any post type across the CrowdTangle platform within your Instagram dashboard. That includes lists, saved searches, live displays, intelligence, and email notifications. It should be listed anywhere photos and videos are also an option. If it is not listed yet, that’s because we’re still working on it and it should be added soon.  

How does CrowdTangle distinguish between IGTV previews in feed, and the full IGTV video?
We do not distinguish between the two. An IGTV video that appears as a preview in feed will count as an IGTV video. Any views gained in feed for that video count towards the overall views for that IGTV video. 

Is there an IGTV specific leaderboard? I only see 'Videos' and 'Branded Content' under Post Types.
We are working on adding an IGTV leaderboard. That should be available very soon. For the time being, 'videos' in IG leaderboards refers to videos that appear only in feed. That does not include IGTV videos that are previewed in feed.  

What data will I learn from IGTV?
You will get the same data as you do for other IG videos including: interactions, views, interaction rate, total posts, and more. 

Will you pull in all historical IGTVs?
Yes, we are pulling in all IGTV videos since the launch in June 2018. That means roll-up numbers for views, post counts, interactions will all jump to reflect the inclusion of IGTV. 

How was IGTV data reported previously? Will I see IG video data change as a result?
We weren’t measuring IGTV before this, and it was not previously included in video data, so that remains unchanged. 

What are some use cases for this?

  • See how your IGTV videos are performing compared to your competitors.

  • Compare how IGTV is performing with your in feed videos. 

  • Analyze how your IGTV performance has changed over time. 

What counts as a view?
If a video or IGTV video are viewed for 3 seconds or more, it counts as a view. 

Does an overperforming IGTV video get compared to my feed post?
IGTV videos have their own benchmarks. In the case there is only 1 IGTV video in an account, we will fallback to video benchmarks. 

Will IGTV be in downloads/historical?
Yes they will be, just like other Instagram post types.

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