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FAQ: Link Search

What you need to know about searching for URLs

Written by Tess
Updated over a week ago

What happens when I search for a domain instead of an article?

When searching a domain like instead of an article link, we look back at the last 10 days or the most recent 1,000 results across the four platforms. From there, you can sort posts by interactions, followers, and most recent. 

When you search for a domain, you may notice the ‘Facebook Activity’ box returns different results from the Facebook section of ‘Public Referrals We’ve Seen.’ That’s because Facebook Activity only looks at mentions of the exact domain (i.e. Public Referrals tracks mentions/links to the exact domain in addition to all articles shared from that site. 


How is it different from Chrome Extension?

Rather than go to a specific article and then use the Chrome Extension, Link Search is part of our Search product. Copy the article link or domain into the bar to see who has recently shared that URL. Other ways Link Search is different include:

  • You can filter results by total interactions, followers, account name, and most recent. 

  • We highlight whether it’s a Facebook Page, Verified Public Profile, or Group and compare interactions from the various platforms in the Link Summary.

  • URLs are shareable to other CrowdTangle users.

  • We provide visualizations across the four platforms to show.

  • There is currently no ability to download CSVs yet, but we are actively working on it. 

You can go directly to or you can find this by going to settings in the upper right corner of CrowdTangle and going down to Link Search. 

Is this open to the public?

Currently this is only for CrowdTangle users.

Does this affect the Chrome Extension at all?

No. The Chrome Extension will continue working exactly the same way. 

Twitter announced the deprecation of their API to certain access tiers, which resulted in CrowdTangle losing access and the ability to serve Twitter data. You can find more information here.

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