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FAQ: Interactions Per Post

An overview of CrowdTangle's Interactions Per Post metric

Written by Tess
Updated over a week ago

What’s new?

We added another metric to Intelligence -- Interactions Per Post --  to make it easier and more intuitive to measure the ROI of your post strategy using CrowdTangle.  

In addition to grabbing the overall interactions per post for a Page/account or list of Pages/accounts over a given set of time, we’ve made it simple to narrow in on specific interactions and post types as well. Simply select those options on the right rail and you’re all set!


Where can I find Interactions Per Post?

Interactions Per Post can only be found in CrowdTangle’s Intelligence feature currently. 

Follow these steps to access:

  1. From your CrowdTangle dashboard, go to “Intelligence” via the top navigation bar

  2. Enter the Page/Account/Subreddit or List you want to pull Interactions Per Post for

  3. Go to the “Interaction Rate” tab

  4. Go to the “Show By” dropdown menu 

  5. Select “Interactions Per Post”

  6. Voilà!     

What’s the difference between Interaction Rate and Interactions Per Post?

Interactions Per Post simply divides the number of interactions by the post count for a given time period. Unlike Interaction Rate, it does not consider Page likes/followers in the equation. Currently, it is only featured in the Intelligence section of CrowdTangle. Interactions Per Post is ideal for measuring your own performance at the page level to understand the ROI of your posting strategy.

Interaction Rate is a percentage, and is ideal for comparing yourself to Pages of varying sizes. It’s meant to represent how likely a follower of yours will engage with your content. The math for Interaction Rate considers the number of followers/Page likes in determining the percentage, in addition to interactions and post count (for lists and Pages). It is also found on the post level in CrowdTangle dashboards, in addition to Leaderboards and Intelligence. 

Full explainers for how we calculate each are below.

How do you calculate Interactions Per Post?

Interactions Per Post is calculated by taking the total number of interactions for a specific Page/account/subreddit or list of Pages/accounts/subreddits in a given time period and dividing that number by the total amount of posts in that same time period. 

As a reminder, in CrowdTangle interactions are likes, reactions, comments and shares for Facebook; hearts and comments for Instagram; upvotes and comments on Reddit.

How do you calculate Interaction Rate?

There are few different ways we calculate interaction rate:

  • Interaction Rate for a Post: Calculated by averaging the number of interactions for all of the account’s posts in the specified time frame, then dividing that by the number of followers/fans.

  • Interaction Rate for an Account/Page: Calculated by averaging the number of interactions for all of the account’s posts in the specified time frame, divided by the number of posts, and then divided again by the average account size (followers/page likes) in question over the timeframe. 

  • Interaction Rate for a List: Calculated by taking the number of all interactions on every post from every account in the list and then dividing by the number of posts. Then divide by the average size (follower count/ page likes) of the accounts in the list.

For full definitions of each, visit our Interaction Rate resource page.

What are some use cases for Interactions Per Post?

  1. To measure the overall ROI of your post strategy on Facebook, Instagram and Reddit for your owned and operated Pages/accounts. Interactions Per Post can serve as a proxy metric to identify if there’s a healthy return on your posts, which can help you determine things like if you should lower or increase post counts. 

  2. To refine strategies around specific interactions or post types. For example, you may want to narrow in on your comment strategy per link post or increase your love reactions on native video posts. 

  3. To compare your Pages/accounts to other Pages/accounts for competitive analysis.

  4. To gather data on how any Page/account is trending with audiences on Facebook, Instagram or Reddit. This data can inform analyses in media coverage and news stories.  

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