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FAQ: Discover Top Posts

Learn more about our latest update to Search

Written by Tess
Updated over a week ago

Update July 2023:

1. Twitter announced the deprecation of their API to certain access tiers, which resulted in CrowdTangle losing access and the ability to serve Twitter data. You can find more information here.

2. Reddit announced changes to their API, which resulted in CrowdTangle losing access and the ability to serve Reddit data. You can find more information here.

What is ‘discover top posts’?

‘Discover top posts’ is a feature within Search that makes it easy to get a broad view of what’s resonating across Facebook, Instagram without inputting a keyword or url.

Modify your filters in Search and discover what content in our database has the most interactions, shares, or comments across countries, platforms, languages and more.

How do I use it?

It’s Search, but without needing to input a keyword or URL.

  1. Open CrowdTangle Search

  2. Change your filters, but leave the search bar empty.

  3. Watch as results update automatically.

  4. That’s it!

What are some examples of what I can look up?

Use it to see at a very high level what content included in the CrowdTangle database has the most interactions. Or narrow your filters to get more specific. Discover things like:

Is there a limit to how far back can I look for top posts?

There isn't a set limit to the timeframe you look up. However if you do a broad search of top posts over several years, it may be too large for the system, or it will take a long time to pull in all the results. If you try and search and it doesn't work, try again in a couple minutes. We’re working to improve it so you can pull any timeframe.

Why is it taking so long to load?

When searching broadly across platforms and timeframes it can take a while to load. If it doesn't work, try again in a couple of minutes.

Why did you update the way Search looks?

We changed the look in order to make it easier to discover top posts and show results without needing a search term or URL.

Wasn’t I able to do this before?

You were able to use Saved Search to find similar information, but not in CrowdTangle Search. And this update makes that process easier, more intuitive and more prominent.

Why do some filters get blocked when I modify my filters?

Certain filters don’t work when others are turned on. For instance, country filters don’t work when searching within Groups because while country information is available for Pages it isn’t for groups. Or for something like Meme Search it only works if you input a keyword to search against.

Do these results reflect all of Facebook, Instagram?

No, it only reflects what’s in our database across Facebook, Instagram. You can learn more about what accounts we track here. It should cover every single major account from those platforms however. Learn more about what we track here.

Can I save my searches?

Yes, you can now save your searches within our updated Search Interface. Configure your Search as needed, and proceed to run the search. This will trigger our interface to populate the Save icon located on to the right of the search bar. Click save, title the search, and you've officially saved a Search configuration.

Can I use Weights?

Weights aren’t currently available in CrowdTangle Search, but we hope to add them soon.

Can I preset my filters?

Currently you cannot preset your filters within Search. You can save the url for your filters though as a bookmark and return to that each time.

Can I make a list within Search?

No, you cannot create lists within Search. That must be done from your dashboard.

What if I don’t have access to a dashboard, how do I make a list to Search through?

Only people with access to a dashboard can view custom lists. If you don’t have access to a dashboard you’ll still be able to search through our public Explore lists available to all users.

How do I search within a page?

It’s a new filter. Select it from one of the filters below the Search bar.

Can I download this data?

Yes. You can download CSVs of your results. Simply hit ‘Export CSV.’

Can I create notifications based on Searches?

You currently cannot create notifications or digests from CrowdTangle Search. We hope to integrate those features eventually.

Can i Invite people to Search from outside my organization?

Currently you can only invite people that have an email address with your organization.

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