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How to add accounts to CrowdTangle

Learn how to add new pages, groups, and verified profiles to CrowdTangle

Written by Christina Fan
Updated over a week ago

The instructions below explain how to add a new account to a list. Note that you can only add in public pages, public groups, verified profiles, and public Instagram accounts. Use an Instagram dashboard to add in new Instagram accounts -- the below examples show Facebook dashboards.

Manually adding an account to a list

The easiest way to add a new account to CrowdTangle is to add it to a list. In your dashboard, create a new list, and go to Add Pages. Search for the name of the page (or group, if you've created a Groups list), and click the blue plus sign to add it in.

If the name of the page doesn't come up, that means that the page or group is not yet in CrowdTangle. To add it to the CrowdTangle database, paste the URL of the page or group into the search bar. It will then appear with the blue plus sign, and you can add it in.

Note: It can take up to 48 hours to pull in all the historical data for a page or group that was just added to the system, so please wait a bit before trying to pull all the historical data for a newly added account.

Batch uploading multiple accounts

The Batch Upload system takes a CSV file with an account URL or Facebook ID, along with the name of a List, and will attempt to add the account to the List.

1) Make sure the Lists you want to add to exist. If not, create them.

2) Navigate to Batch Upload:

3) Download the template, or create a CSV with the same headers

4) Add your data to the template. Make sure that if you're adding pages, there are only pages in the CSV, and the List is a list of Pages. The same applies if you're uploading groups.

You'll get a progress bar that you can watch, or you can just wait for the email that tells you it's complete. The email will also detail any errors, in case you want to make changes and upload those accounts again. If you do get errors, you can also try manually adding the URL to a List -- this may solve the problem.


  1. Each dashboard is limited to 10,000 uploaded items, if you need more reach out to us in support. Let us know why you're uploading so many items and we'll extend your limit.

  2. Batch Uploading is a shared pool among all users, sometimes it may take a little longer to complete if there are thousands of items ahead of you.

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