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What is the Leaderboard?

A leaderboard allows you to see how the Profiles, Pages, accounts, or subreddits in a List or Search are performing relative to each other

Written by Tess
Updated over a week ago

This is the primary Leaderboard overview article.  If you need help troubleshooting, check out the Leaderboard FAQ article here.


What is the Leaderboard?

A Leaderboard allows you to see how a Profile, Page, or account or a group of Profiles/Pages/accounts in a List or Saved Search are performing over a set period of time. This feature is helpful for reporting on your Profiles, pages or accounts as a group, tracking your affiliates, and for competitive analysis.   


Why Would I Use Leaderboards?

  • To analyze the performance of all of your pages, Profiles, or accounts at once.  (Learn how McClatchy does this!)

  • To track your performance against that of your competitors (Learn how Vox does this!)

  • To identify leaders in your space to learn from their content

  • To track the performance of your branded content and identify new cross-posting partners   (Learn how the Colts do this!)


Recent Updates

3/21/2019: Added total view time, and the total number of — and percentage of — 3min+ videos (in hover and export) to the Owned Video Leaderboard.

1/24/2019: Instagram Album posts are listed as post type alongside photos and videos in Instagram Leaderboard filters and CSV downloads.

4/17/2018: You can now track branded content performance in Leaderboards

2/1/2018:  Facebook Dashboards now have interaction leaderboards for comments, shares, and reactions.

How Do I Use Leaderboards?


Leaderboards are found in Lists and Saved Searches.  Before you start using Leaderboards, be sure you have a List or Saved Search that includes all of the Profiles, pages, groups, or accounts that you would like to track in your Leaderboard.

Partners often use Leaderboards with a List of Affiliates, Lists of their Competitors, and Saved Searches for current and upcoming events.

Leaderboard Data

Leaderboards can track the following metrics:

  • Interaction Data

  • Page Likes/Followers

  • Growth Rate

  • Video View Data (Facebook and Instagram only)

Pro Tip: Leaderboards provide similar information as an Intelligence graph, but they are not limited to 20 Profiles, pages or accounts.  

A leaderboard will also rank the performance of every Profile, Page or account in the List or Saved Search- giving you the average performance for the group of Profiles/pages/accounts on the List as well as a breakdown of individual performance.  

Pro Tip: You can use the Page Size filter at the top of the Leaderboard to narrow the leaderboard down to only Profiles, Pages, or accounts similar in size to your own.  Use this to get more fine-tuned competitive data

Mousing over the performance metrics on a leaderboard will give you additional information:

Video Content

Leaderboards are the only way to access competitive video view data from Facebook Profiles, Pages or Instagram accounts.  Video data is separated out by owned videos (videos posted directly on the page or account) and shared videos (videos shared from other pages or accounts).  Facebook Leaderboards will also separate traditional video data from Facebook Live.

Branded Content

Leaderboards in Facebook dashboards can be set to track the performance of the public, non-targeted branded content from the pages in a List or Search.  This can be used to compare the performance of your branded content to that of your competitors and to identify potential cross-posting partners.

Pro Tip:  To identify potential cross-posting partners, create a Saved Search in a Facebook Dashboard that Searches for your publication's base URL.  This will identify any of your posts that have been shared by other Pages being tracked by CrowdTangle.  You can then create a Branded Content Leaderboard to identify the most successful publishers who are sharing your content.

Types of Leaderboards

All Posts Leaderboards:  These will track all of the information listed above

Interaction Leaderboards (Facebook Only): The leaderboards will specifically track data on comments, shares, or reactions for the pages or groups on the List or Saved Search.

Branded Content Leaderboards:  These leaderboards will provide data specifically on each page or account's public, non-targeted posts.

Owned Video Leaderboards (Facebook and Instagram Only): These leaderboards will surface data specifically from videos that were posted directly on the page or account in the Leaderboard.  Videos shared from other sites or accounts are excluded. Within the Owned Video Leaderboard we also include data on total view time, and the total number of — and percentage of — 3min+ videos in the hover.

Shared Video Leaderboards (Facebook and Instagram Only): These leaderboards will surface data specifically from videos that were shared from other pages or accounts.  Videos posted directly on the page or account are excluded.

All Lists Leaderboards:  Bringing up the Leaderboard from the All Lists page will rank each of your Lists by the aggregated interaction data from all of its pages or accounts.

Pro Tip: Use Interaction Leaderboards to find competitors in your space who are exceptionally strong at generating comments and shares.  Create a List of those top pages and use the post stream to study their content strategy

Exporting Leaderboard Data

Clicking on the cloud icon at the top of the Leaderboard will send you the Leaderboard data as a csv file

Live Displays

You can create leaderboard columns in Live Displays.  You can learn more in this article.

Leaderboard Notifications

Leaderboards can also be turned into an email notification.  

You can find these by going to the notifications section of the List or Saved Search.  Alternately you can set them up in the global notifications section at the top of your Dashboard.

Pro Tip: You can have the Leaderboard data emailed to you directly as an excel report under "Advanced Options"

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