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Account Administration: Building A Vision & Developing Compelling Messaging
Account Administration: Building A Vision & Developing Compelling Messaging
Written by Tess
Updated over a week ago

Building A Vision

Once you've made the decision to launch CrowdTangle, work with your team to define a vision for it.  You probably already have a few uses for CrowdTangle in mind, but now it's time to start exploring new uses to meet the needs of the people around you.  As you develop your vision for CrowdTangle, remember that it should feel relevant to each of the different groups who will be using it.

Researching Use Cases

The best way to find creative uses for CrowdTangle is to read up on how other organizations have used it.  Familiarizing yourself with the CrowdTangle Case Studies will not only give you great ideas, but it will also help you build an internal case for wide use of CrowdTangle.  There are dozens of case studies in the CrowdTangle resource center, but you can use the Use Case chart in this CrowdTangle Training Article to help you identify the ones that will be most relevant to you and your organization.

The chart in the CrowdTangle Training Article will identify case studies by the industry of the publisher and the CrowdTangle features highlighted.  Start by selecting Case Studies in your industry, but don't limit yourself to just these.  A local news organization can- and will- have CrowdTangle tips and tracks that would apply to any industry, for example.

Once you have selected some relevant case studies, you can link out to them in your launch communications, reference them in your classes, and share them with decision makers in your organization.

Identifying Your Stakeholders

Stakeholders are the teams, departments or group of employees who will be using- or benefiting from- CrowdTangle in some way.  Your goal is to understand their needs so you can get them both enabled and excited.  You'll use the information we learn about them to make the roll out of CrowdTangle more effective.

Common CrowdTangle Stakeholder Groups:

Social Media Managers

Social Media Managers tend to be the power users at most organizations.  Though they often use all of CrowdTangle's features, they tend to think about them from in the context of analytics.  Our communications to them should be comprehensive but should really emphasize the analytics capabilities of CrowdTangle.  (Post Analytics, Leaderboards, and Intelligence)

Journalists & Editors

Journalists and Editors tend to be far more interested in content discovery aspects of CrowdTangle.  Really push the value of Lists, Saved Searches, and Live Displays to this group!  Also, don't be afraid to tie CrowdTangle use to major upcoming events like Elections, Awards Shows, Games, etc.

Sales & Marketing

This is rarely the first group that takes to CrowdTangle, but there are significant benefits waiting for them if they learn to use the tool.  Your messaging should focus on how you can use CrowdTangle to monetize.  Specifically, you want to focus on the value of Branded Content, Leaderboards, and Viral Alerts (to help them identify posts worth boosting).
Executives and VIPs
This group rarely uses CrowdTangle day-to-day, but they often benefit from the kind of insights the tool can provide. Though the impact of the CrowdTangle launch on this group is usually low,  they can have a significant impact (positive or negative) on how people perceive (and use) CrowdTangle.  Focus on high level, organizational benefits when communicating to this group and lean more heavily on Case Studies than typical training resources.  If nothing else, this should help you find an Executive Sponsor to help with your launch!
Tip: Talk with their Executive Admins/Assistants.  They're your best chance to get an Executive's attention!

The Value Proposition(s)

 After identifying some relevant and inspiring case studies and taking stock of who your stakeholders are, the next step is to come up with some powerful value propositions for CrowdTangle.  These are your carefully worded statements that convey how important CrowdTangle is for both the organization as a whole and the individual users.  

Think of these as the reasons why people should care about CrowdTangle.  We have to give them reasons to care about CrowdTangle if we expect them to take time out of their day to learn how to use it and to think creatively of ways to incorporate it in what they do.  

You're likely going to need a different value proposition for each stakeholder group- which means you should be ready to send slightly different versions of your communications to each group.  Don't assume that what is compelling for your Sales & Marketing team is going to be equally compelling to your Journalists and Editors!



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