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FAQ: Lists
Written by Tess
Updated over a week ago

This is the List FAQ.  You can learn about Lists here.
You can learn more about Posts and Post Analytics here.

Update July 2023:

1. Twitter announced the deprecation of their API to certain access tiers, which resulted in CrowdTangle losing access and the ability to serve Twitter data. You can find more information here.

2. Reddit announced changes to their API, which resulted in CrowdTangle losing access and the ability to serve Reddit data. You can find more information here and here.

Questions answered in this article:

  • How Do You Handle Global Pages?

  • How do I Import Lists?

  • Who can change Weighting?

  • Is there a way to bulk upload Pages/Accounts into a List?

  • How do I delete a List?

  • If I delete a List, does it delete it for everyone?

  • What happens if I accidentally delete a List?

  • Can I have a List that mixes Facebook Pages and Instagram accounts?

  • Can I share my Lists with the rest of my account?

  • What kind of Lists should I make?


1) How Do You Handle Global Pages?

For the most part, CrowdTangle is able to differentiate the Pages- in terms of their specific posts and interactions.  Unfortunately, when it comes to Page Likes- Facebook reports them as the sum of all of the Pages.  So if the French Page has 100k Likes, the US Pages has 100k Likes, and the Australian Page has 100k likes, all three will actually show up as having 300k Likes.  (That also affects the Interaction Rate calculation)

2) How do I Import Lists?

Lists can also be imported from other dashboards you have access to.  To import a List from another one of your dashboards, start by going to your All Pages List- which will be at the top of your Lists.  From there, click on the "Manage" tab, and then select "Import List".  You'll be able to choose a list from any of your dashboards to either import as a new list or to add to an existing list in your current dashboard. (See the Lists article for more information)

3) Who can change Weighting?

Everyone. When you change the scoring for a dashboard, it applies just for you and just for that session. Only Admins & Users can save default weights settings for the whole dashboard.

4) Is there a way to bulk upload Pages/Accounts into a List?

Yes!   To do this, click on the gear icon on the upper right hand corner of CrowdTangle and click on "Batch Upload".  From there, you can download a template .csv file with two columns: one for the name of the List you are adding to and one with the Page/account you are adding.  After you have filled out the form, save it, and upload it to CrowdTangle.  While the batch upload process is usually very fast, large .csv files can take up to a few hours to complete.

5) How do I delete a List?

Hover over the name of the List in your list of Lists on the left side of the screen.  An X will appear to the right of the List- clicking on that X will delete the List.

6) If I delete a List, does it delete it for everyone?

If you delete a List from a dashboard, it will be gone for everyone else who has access to that dashboard as well.

7)  What happens if I accidentally delete a List?

Contact as soon as possible.  We may be able to restore it for you.

8) Can I have a List that mixes Facebook Pages and Instagram accounts?

At this time, no.  But you can create cross-platform post columns in a Live Display that can combine that information for you.  Read here for more information.

9) Can I share my Lists with the rest of my account?

Anyone with access to your Dashboard will be able to see all of your Lists, and they can Import Lists from other Dashboards they also have access to.  But if you are an Account Owner, you can also promote Lists to the Explore Section for the rest of the Account to see.  To promote a List, select the List and then click on "Manage" and then "Advanced Settings".

10) What kind of Lists should I make?

At minimum, most Partners will create a List of their own Pages/accounts and a separate List of their content and their competitors as well.  Here are some other Lists you can make:

  • Local News: Make Lists of the Pages/accounts of local politicians, schools, sports teams, hospitals, police stations, and fire departments to stay on top of your beat.

  • Music/Entertainment: Make Lists of Facebook and Instagram accounts of your talent to stay on top of their messaging.  Consider making Lists of the accounts of nominees, make up artists, and other influencers for awards shows.

  • National/International News: Make Lists of the accounts and Pages from powerful politicians and political parties, investment publications, renowned science journals, etc to stay on top of what's breaking.

  • Sports: Make Lists of Facebook and Instagram accounts of your talent and team to keep track of what they're telling the world.  Before games, make a new List for the opposing team as well.

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