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FAQ: Intelligence & Leaderboards
Written by Tess
Updated over a week ago

This is the Intelligence & Leaderboard FAQ page.  You can learn more about Intelligence here and more about Leaderboards here.

You can find additional FAQs on Posts and Analytics here.

Questions answered in this article: 

  • When would I use Intelligence, and when would I use Leaderboards?

  • Why is it that sometimes when I'm trying to find a specific Facebook Verified Profile, it's not coming up in the Intelligence search bar?

  • How is interaction rate calculated?

  • What is the difference between an Owned Video and a Shared Video?

  • Can I add an entire List to the graph instead of individual Pages or accounts?

  • How does CrowdTangle determine what time it is?

  • Why is the Follower count 0?  or Why is the Follower/Like count static?

  • Can I compare multiple timeframes in Intelligence?

  • Can I export the Intelligence graphs and data?


1) When would I use Intelligence, and when would I use Leaderboards?

Intelligence shows you the performance of a Page, Account, or List over time- which means it can show you how the interaction trends have fluctuated.  Intelligence graphs are limited to 20 Pages, Accounts, or Lists on a graph.  

Leaderboards show you aggregated data over a specific time frame- so you won't see the fluctuations. But they will break down the performance of each Page/Account involved in the List/Search.  Leaderboards also show you the average performance of every Page/Account in the List or Search and has no cap on the number of Pages/Accounts that a Leaderboard can show at once.

2) Why is it that sometimes when I'm trying to find a specific Facebook Verified Profile, it's not coming up in the Intelligence search bar?

The Intelligence search bar is able to add any Page, Account, or Public Group to the Intelligence graph- whether or not it was already in the CrowdTangle database.  Facebook Verified Profiles, however, won't show up unless they have already been added to a List in one of your Dashboards.

3) How is interaction rate calculated?

For lists in Intelligence we try to do the same kind of thing we do for an account. We add up all the interactions on every post from every account in the list, and then we divide by that number of posts. Then we divide by the average size (follower count/ page likes) of the accounts in the list. (In this case, we pick the latest size value for each account, not an average for each over the timeframe.)

4) What is the difference between an Owned Video and a Shared Video?

Owned videos are videos you posted directly from your Page/Account while Shared videos are those you've shared from another Page/Account.

5) Can I add an entire List to the graph instead of individual Pages or accounts?

Yes- as long as the List has 500 or fewer Pages or accounts in it.

6) How does CrowdTangle determine what time it is?

CrowdTangle will base the time off of the time zone selected in your account profile.

7) Why is the Follower count 0?  or Why is the Follower/Like count static?

Once a Page or Account is added to the CrowdTangle database, we're able to pull most of the historical data- previous posts, interactions, etc.  Unfortunately, Page Likes and Account Followers aren't available historically.  The first time a Page or Account is added to the CrowdTangle database, CrowdTangle will take the Follower/Like count as of that day, and then you will be able to see that metric grow from there.

8) Can I compare multiple timeframes in Intelligence?

Yes- click on the "Compare Dates" box on the right side of the Intelligence graph.  You can compare a single Page/Account/List over multiple dates, or you can compare multiple Pages/Accounts/Lists over different dates.

9) Can I export the Intelligence graphs and data?

Yes- click on "Print PDF" or "Export CSV" on the upper right hand side of the Intelligence graph after you've loaded up a Page, Account, or List.

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