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FAQ: Access & Logging In
Written by Tess
Updated over a week ago

Important Update to CrowdTangle | March 2024: CrowdTangle will no longer be available after August 14, 2024. Please see our FAQ for more information.

Questions answered in this article: 

  • Why is CrowdTangle suddenly telling me there are no dashboards linked with my account?

  • How do I Invite people into CrowdTangle?

  • How do I see who else has access to my dashboard?

  • When I request access to a dashboard, what happens?

  • How do I remove a user from our account or dashboard?


1)  Why is CrowdTangle suddenly telling me there are no dashboards linked with my account?

For people who use multiple Facebook accounts, sometimes you are in the wrong one when you log in to CrowdTangle. Then CrowdTangle seems to get stuck on the bad version of you, and not let you switch to the good version of you.

It's an easy enough fix though:

  1. Go to Facebook and log out of Bad You. 😡

  2. Go back to Facebook and log in to Good You. 😀

  3. Go to to log out of CrowdTangle. This will erase your CrowdTangle session with Bad You 👻 and take you to

  4. Go back to your dashboard (or click "Log In" to go to and see your available dashboards). You should find yourself back in the dashboard as Good You. 🙃


2) How do I invite people into CrowdTangle?

Note- account owners and team owners have specific tools to add users to their CrowdTangle account.  More information can be found here for account owners and here for team owners.

As long as you're a full dashboard user (and not a read-only user), you can invite people into a dashboard by clicking on "Invite People" and adding their email address there.  Once you do, they'll receive an email from that will ask them to log into Facebook to complete the process.  If they don't complete that step, their account will not be created!

3) How do I see who else has access to my Dashboard?

While you're in your Dashboard, click on the gear icon next to your profile picture (upper right) and click on "User Management".  That will allow you to see all of the Dashboard users.  If you don't see that option, you will need to contact your Account Owner to find out who has access.

4)  When I request access to a Dashboard, what happens?

When you click on "Request Access" next to a Dashboard on your Dashboard list, a notification generally goes to one or more Account Owners- who can then accept or deny the request.  Sometimes no Account Owner has been set up to receive those notifications.  If you feel this may be the case, you can send your Account Owner this article.  If you're not sure who your Account Owner is, you can contact

5)  How do I remove a user from our account or dashboard?

Only Account Owners can remove someone from an account.  You can find more information on deleting users here.  If you don't have an Account Owner- or don't know who they are- you can contact for help.

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