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FAQ: Saved Search
Written by Tess
Updated over a week ago

This is an FAQ article.  You can learn more about Saved Searches here.

You can find additional FAQs on Posts and Analytics here.

Questions answered in this article: 

  • How is interaction rate calculated?

  • How do you calculate overperforming and underperforming scores?

  • Why are there posts missing from my Search?

  • Can I filter content by location?

  • Do I want to include the URL in the Search?

  • Can you see who is mentioning us right now?

  • How do I add an "or" into my Search?

  • Do I need to use quotation marks for multi-word searches?

  • What does the Leaderboard for a Search show me?

  • Can I duplicate a Saved Search?


1) How is interaction rate calculated?

For a post, the interaction rate is relatively simple: it's the number of interactions (e.g. reactions, comments, shares) divided by the account size (followers/page likes) at the time of posting.

2) How do you calculate overperforming and underperforming scores?

First, we generate benchmarks to identify the expected values. We take the last 100 posts from a given account/Page and of a given post type (link post, image post, etc.), and calculate the average number of interactions all those posts have at each age (15 minutes old, 60 minutes old, 5 hours old, etc.).

Then, when a new post comes in from that account, we compare it to that average and multiply the difference by the weights in each dashboard.  A score over 1 means the post is performing better than average for a post of that type, from that Page/Account, and at that point in time (10 minutes after posting, 1 hours after posting, etc).  A negative score means it is performing worse than that average.

3) Why are there posts missing from my Search?

CrowdTangle's Saved Searches only surface content from Pages/accounts in the CrowdTangle database.  If there are Posts that are missing, try adding those Pages/accounts to one of your Lists.  Wait about 30 minutes and then try again.  At that point, their content should show up in your Search.

4) Can I filter content by location?

Even though CrowdTangle is unable to specifically track a GeoTag, we do offer other options that can help target a specific region. You may consider utilizing Page Admin Country to help with targeting.

5) Do I want to include the URL in the Search?

Usually not: including the URL means that CrowdTangle will look within the URL to every post to see if it contains any of your search terms (which can bring up a lot of results you don't care about)  But, if your article URLs are structured in a specific way that includes information in the URL that you want to search for, then you may want to expand the search to include the URLs.  i.e. If your article URLs are, and you want to search for your_name or 1234 to find the post.

6) Can you see who is mentioning us right now?

By searching for your domain url (i.e., Page/Account name, etc. you can see which Pages/Accounts are sharing your content or mentioning you in their posts, provided that those Pages/Accounts are in the CrowdTangle database.  

7) How do I add an "or" into my Search?

You can use a comma (,) to designate "or" in your Searches.  So Facebook, CrowdTangle in the "Any of these words" bar would pull up posts that include either Facebook or CrowdTangle in them.  

8) Do I need to use quotation marks for multi-word searches?

No.  If you searched for Serena Williams, Venus Williams then CrowdTangle will know to pull up posts that have either of those full names and to ignore posts that only have one (i.e. Serena or Williams but not both).

9) What does the Leaderboard for a Search show me?

Leaderboards show you the performance of the Pages/Accounts that show up in a List or Search.  For a List, the performance is based on all of their posts from a given time frame.  For a Search, the performance is based only on the posts that showed up in your Search.

10) Can I duplicate a Saved Search?

Currently, there is not an option that allows you to “Duplicate” for Saved Search. However, If you go to “All Page Lists”, under “Manage” you can then import from a dashboard. Next you will select the “List” or “Saved Search”, and have either exported to another Dashboard within the account. You can also import, similar to “duplicating” the “List” or “Saved Search” within the same Dashboard you’re working in.

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