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US 2020 Live Displays

A look at how we built our US 2020 Elections Live Displays

Written by Tess
Updated over a week ago

Live Displays for US2020 Elections:

*Mentions are the set of keywords or phrases we search for to help find content most relevant to the topic of the Live Display.

Candidates and Key Races

US2020 Candidates — Content from Instagram accounts and Facebook Pages from candidates running for President, Vice president, Governor, Senate, and House races in 2020.

  • Mentions: Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Mike Pence, Donald Trump, Spike Cohen, Angela N Walker, Howie Hawkins, Jo Jorgensen

Cook Political Report Key Races (Senate + House) — Content from Facebook (Pages, Public Groups), Instagram accounts related to the 10 key House of Representatives and U.S. Senate races from The Cook Political Report, an independent non-partisan rating system.

Political Branded Content — This display shows branded content posts that tag U.S. federal and state politicians and candidates, as well as notable individuals and organizations on Facebook and Instagram. This display is informed by Ballotpedia.


These columns are searching these keywords across the CrowdTangle database, as well as posts from Instagram accounts and Facebook Pages from all candidates running for President and Vice president in 2020.

  • Presidential Debate mentions: #2020debate, 2020 debate, #presidentialdebate, presidential debate

  • Vice Presidential Debate mentions: #2020VPdebate, 2020 VP debate, #vicepresidentialdebate, vice presidential debate, vp debate, veep debate, #veepdebate, #vpdebate, Kamala, Pence, Kamala Harris, Mike Pence, Susan Page

US 2020 Presidential Debate Mentions Leaderboard (Facebook) : Presidential Debate mentions across CrowdTangle's Facebook Pages database.

US 2020 Presidential Debate Mentions Leaderboard (Instagram): Presidential Debate mentions across CrowdTangle's Facebook Pages database.

Debate Posts: Presidential Debate mentions across CrowdTangle's Instagram and Facebook accounts database.

2020 Candidates: Posts from Instagram accounts and Facebook Pages from all candidates running for President and Vice president in 2020.

National Media: Presidential Debate mentions within CrowdTangle’s US General Media list.

Political Media + Journalists: Presidential Debate mentions within CrowdTangle’s Political Media and Journalists lists.

Local Media: Presidential Debate mentions within CrowdTangle’s All Local Media list.

FB Groups: Presidential Debate mentions within CrowdTangle’s Facebook Groups database.

Debate Topics Leaderboard (Facebook & Instagram): This pulls from the topical keywords listed below across the Facebook Pages database. As questions are asked, this saved search leaderboard will populate in real time. See below:

10/7 Vice Presidential Debate

Susan Page didn't announce topics in advance of the first and only Vice Presidential debate held on Wednesday, October 7th. We included keywords in real time by topic, and updated to reflect the conversation.

Mentions by topic:

Mentions below all include "AND debate" in the query.

  • Pandemic: Covid, coronavirus, covid-19

  • Healthcare: ACA, affordable care act, obamacare, pre-existing condition, health care

  • Transparency: transparency, health records, tax returns, financial disclosures

  • Scotus: senate, supreme court, nominee, Amy coney barrett, Supreme Court, justice ballot, court expansion, SCOTUS nominee, SCOTUS. Roe v Wade

  • Foreign Policy: china, nato, traditional allies, iran, russia, foreign policy, soleimani, Kayla Mueller.

  • Race and Protests: race in america, protestors, protests, BLM, antifa, white supremacy, looting, military force, breonna taylor, kenosha, kyle rittenhouse, police reform, george floyd, charlottesville

9/29 Presidential Debate

Chris Wallace announced topics in advance of the first debate Tuesday, September 29th. We included those keywords below by topic, and updated to reflect the conversation.

Mentions by topic:

Mentions below all include "AND debate" in the query.

  • Pandemic: Covid, coronavirus, covid-19

  • Trump and Biden Records: impeachment, obamacare, ACA, build a wall, immigration, taxes, EPA, fracking, russia, ukraine, obama, hunter biden, social security, abortion

  • Healthcare: Pre-existing conditions, Obamacare, affordable care act, military health care, repeal and replace, individual mandate, drug prices, end private insurance, medicaid expansion, medicaid, universal healthcare, take away Obamacare

  • The Supreme Court: RBG, Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Merrick Garland, senate, supreme court, nominee, Amy coney barrett, Supreme Court, justice ballot, court expansion, SCOTUS nominee, SCOTUS, Roe v Wade

  • Economy: economy, unemployment, trade, china, essential workers, stock market, tax cuts, taxes, cost of living, eviction freeze, small businesses, bail out

  • Climate Change: climate change, green new deal, fracking, renewable energy, greenhouse gases

  • Race and violence in cities across the country: race in america, protestors, protests, BLM, antifa, white supremacy, looting, military force, george floyd, breonna taylor, kenosha, kyle rittenhouse, police reform

  • Election integrity: vote by mail, absentee, voter fraud, voting interference

  • Debate Topic Mentions (ALL): Covid, coronavirus, covid-19, impeachment, obamacare, ACA, build a wall, immigration, taxes, EPA, fracking, russia, ukraine, obama, hunter biden, social security, abortion, Pre-existing conditions, Obamacare, affordable care act, military health care, repeal and replace, individual mandate, drug prices, end private insurance, medicaid expansion, medicaid, universal healthcare, take away Obamacare, RBG, Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Merrick Garland, senate, supreme court, nominee, Amy coney barrett, Supreme Court, justice ballot, court expansion, SCOTUS nominee, SCOTUS, Roe v Wade, economy, unemployment, trade, china, essential workers, stock market, tax cuts, taxes, cost of living, eviction freeze, small businesses, bail out, climate change, green new deal, fracking, renewable energy, greenhouse gases, race in america, protestors, protests, BLM, antifa, white supremacy, looting, military force, george floyd, breonna taylor, kenosha, kyle rittenhouse, police reform, vote by mail, absentee, voter fraud, voting interference.

Swing States

Content from Facebook (Pages, Public Groups), Instagram accounts, and local media lists by state (as listed above) related to 12 swing states for the US 2020 election. Swing states were selected from FiveThirtyEight, a third-party site for statistical political analysis.

  • All columns that are not looking at candidates are searching within our state and state local media lists using these keywords: election, democrat, GOP, republican, Biden, Trump, vote, voting, poll, polling, ballot, mail-in, mail in, elecciones, demócratas, republicanos, Biden, Trump, voto, votación, encuesta, encuestas, voto por correo, voto en ausencia

  • Candidate/campaign leaderboards and post streams are looking at the official accounts from those politicians.

To learn more about how CrowdTangle makes its public lists, you can read more here.

Voting & Politics

US Politics — Content from Facebook (Pages, Public Groups), Instagram accounts, and subreddits from verified public figures, local media, members of Congress, political parties/groups, and Super PACs.

  • Mentions: trump, biden, pence, harris, Marianne Williamson, Bill Weld, Joe Walsh, Tom Steyer, Deval Patrick, Amy Klobuchar, Tulsi Gabbard, John Delaney, Donald Trump, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, Michael Bloomberg, Cory Booker, Pete Buttigieg, Nancy Pelosi, Mitch McConnell, Spike Cohen, Angela n Walker, Howie Hawkins, Jo Jorgensen, impeachment, maga, US election, U.S. election, GOP, Republican, Democrat, Dems, Campaign trail, presidential election, 2020 candidates, 2020 Race, Presidential candidates, US2020, vote, voting, election, poll, ballot, race, campaign trail, build back better

Voting/ Vote by Mail — Content from Instagram accounts and Facebook Pages with mentions of voting in English and Spanish.

  • Voting/Vote by mail mentions (English) - nov 3, presidential, Biden, Trump, election, democrat, GOP, republican, vote, voting, poll, polling, ballot, mail-in, mail in, long lines, vote by mail, mail in ballot, mail-in ballot, voter fraud, voter registration card, right to vote, polling place, long voting lines, voter suppression, voter disenfranchised, broken machine, voter fraud, electioneering, register to vote, election day,, minority vote, redistricting, get out the vote, rock the vote, voter registration, vote 2020, absentee ballot, where to vote, exit poll, voter guide, minority vote, #ivoted, ballot by mail

  • Voting/Vote by mail mentions (Spanish) - presidencial, elecciones, demócratas, republicanos, Biden, Trump, voto, votación, encuesta, encuestas, voto por correo, voto en ausencia, registrarse para votar

To learn more about how CrowdTangle makes its public lists, you can read more here.


Content from Facebook (Pages, Public Groups), Instagram accounts with mentions of DNC & RNC.

Local Election Authorities

  • Voting-related content from Facebook Pages of U.S Secretaries of States, including Puerto Rico and Washington D.C.

  • Secretaries of States Leaderboard

  • Aggregate of all US Local Election Authorities Facebook pages across 50 states

  • Swing State Election Authorities Facebook Pages: Swing states were selected from FiveThirtyEight, a third-party site for statistical political analysis.

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